There are different seasons of life. We may be in a season of beginnings or challenges or transitions. And sometimes we are in the season of darkness. It is a period of time that is not at all easy to understand nor to go through. Pain, woundedness, and trials seem to abound on all sides during such season. However, it is a most sacred and privileged time in our lives.

When I was going through a time such as this, it inspired me to write some poems, especially after reading a book of poems written by a local Carmelite nun. Little did I know that such theme ran deep in the Carmel spirit as I would discover St. John of the Cross still later on. He was a Spanish Carmelite and reformer who is known for his experience and writings of “The Dark Night of the Soul.” His witness proves to be a pillar for the whole Church not just in the domain of spiritual life but also even in poetry. Thanks to his experience of darkness, St. John of the Cross has written some of the most beautiful poems in Spanish and Catholic history.

This season is a most powerful time in the life of a Christian. It is most certainly true for me. This poem that I share with you is one of its fruit and witness and at the same time, an offering of worship and thanksgiving to the God who loves faithfully even in the dark.